Happy birthday, Union Terminal!

A very happy birthday to Cincinnati’s Union Terminal and all our friends over at Cincinnati Museum Center. Work started on Union Terminal all the way back in August of 1929. It was completed and officially opened to the public 87 years ago today!

Remember when Genifer and I got to go on a behind the scenes tour of Union Terminal? And all the #VoteYESon8 #VoteYesUT support to get Union Terminal the restoration help it so desperately needs?

Happy birthday to a historic Cincinnati treasure. Here’s to another 80+ years! 🙂

Apollo 11, dinosaurs & Museum Center.

After getting my license renewed, we headed over Cincinnati Museum Center

The last time we were here the rotunda was still undergoing a massive renovation

Museum Center was hosting the final stop of an exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service called Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission all about the Apollo 11 moon landing…

First, we found The Neil Armstrong Space Exploration Gallery, a new permanent exhibit that celebrates the legacy of the historic Apollo 11 mission…

The gallery is centered around a 360-degree immersive theater experience, transporting guests to the excitement and trepidation of the summer of 1969…

And then we found the Destination Moon exhibit, we had walked right by it…

On July 24, 1969, the Apollo 11 mission met President Kennedy’s 1961 challenge of “landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the earth” before the end of the decade. Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission explores and honors that great achievement using genuine flown artifacts from the Apollo 11 mission on loan from the National Air and Space Museum. Featuring the Apollo command module Columbia — the only portion of the historic spacecraft to survive the lunar journey — the exhibition explores the birth and development of the American space program and the space race in time for the 50th anniversary of humankind’s greatest scientific achievement.

Destination Moon gives guest the rare opportunity to see artifacts that made the 953,000-mile journey possible, like Buzz Aldrin’s gold-plated extravehicular helmet visor and thermal-insulated gloves. The dizzying star chart that helped Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins navigate the historic journey and the rucksack and survival kit that accompanied the astronauts are also included.

The star of the exhibition was the Columbia command module, on display outside the National Air and Space Museum for the first time since 1976…

It’s the only part of the Apollo 11 spacecraft to return intact to Earth. It was the three-person crew’s living quarters for most of the mission, from Cape Kennedy to the Moon’s orbit, to splashdown in the Pacific Ocean…

I really love space stuff. And it was a truly amazing exhibit!

I also wanted to see Cincinnati Museum Center’s new Dinosaur Hall in the Museum of Natural History & Science

And we explored the limestone cave

We also wandered through the Public Landing in the Cincinnati History Museum

Cincinnati Museum Center is such an incredible Cincinnati gem…

I’m so glad it was restored to all its former glory…

I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my birthday! Apollo 11, dinosaurs, caves and the public landing all inside of historic Union Terminal. And the best part was… it was all older than me. And it made me feel so young at heart. What more could you ask for on your birthday? 😀🌕🦕❤️

Star Wars and The Power of Costume.

We got an email from our friends over at CincinnatiUSA.com asking us if we’d like a couple of complimentary passes to the final days of Star Wars and The Power of Costume at Cincinnati Museum Center

The answer was a resounding, “Heck yes!” And our tickets arrived last week…

Today was the last day of the exhibit, so we headed over Cincinnati Museum Center…

There was a lot of scaffolding along the sides of Cincinnati Museum Center with all the renovations that are currently taking place…

See? The very last day…

George Lucas imagined and created a fantastical world in “a galaxy far, far away” filled with dynamic characters who told the timeless story of the hero’s journey. The costumes shaped the identities of these now famous characters, from the menacing black mask of Darth Vader and the gilded suit of C-3PO to the lavish royal gowns of Queen Amidala. The iconic costumes were presented as part of a Smithsonian traveling exhibition called
Star Wars and the Power of Costume

Presenting more than 60 of the finest hand-crafted costumes featured in all seven films in the Star Wars saga, the exhibition uncovers the challenges, the intricate processes and the remarkable artistry of George Lucas, the concept artists and costume designers. The costumes reflect an eclectic mix of cultural, historical and mythical sources that add rich texture to the story. Visitors will explore the creative process from Lucas’s vision through concept drawings to the final costume designs.

One of the things that really struck us was that Natalie Portman must very tiny and petite in real life. And the number of costumes her character had in comparison to Princess Leia is kind of staggering. There were so many PadmĂŠ Amidala costumes…

Great exhibit it was. It was pretty amazing to get to see all the classic, iconic Star Wars costumes up close and personal with all of their intricacy and attention to detail. There was also a small exhibit about the Star Wars merchandising by a Cincinnati-based toy company named… Kenner

Growing up we had so many of these Star Wars action figures. I think they’re all still in my parent’s basement up in Michigan…

I had no idea that Kenner was a Cincinnati-based company.

It’ll be amazing to see Museum Center once all the renovations have been completed…

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon at all. 😀✨❤️

Happy birthday to Cincinnati’s Union Terminal!

A very happy birthday to Cincinnati’s Union Terminal and all our friends over at Cincinnati Museum Center. Work started on Union Terminal all the way back in August of 1929. It was completed and officially opened to the public 83 years ago today!

Remember when Genifer and I got to go on a behind the scenes tour of Union Terminal? And all the #VoteYESon8 #VoteYesUT support to get Union Terminal the restoration help it so desperately needs?

Happy birthday to a historic Cincinnati treasure. Here’s to another 83 years! 🙂

Thank you Veterans!

Thank you to all of the men and women who dedicated their lives to serving our country and protecting our freedom…

God bless America. 🙂

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